The Body of Memory. Preserving, Sharing, Cancelling

Conference organized by Fondazione Mondadori in collaboration with TraMe (University of Bologna) and Ibridamente (University of Macerata). Click on the button Participate to attend the streaming.

  • Date: 15 MARCH 2022  from 10:30 to 19:00

  • Event location: Triennale, Milano - In presence and online event


Stefano Boeri, Felice Cimatti, E.G. Crichton, Chiara De Cesari, Luciana Duranti, Maurizio Ferraris, Marcello Flores D’Arcais, Vittorio Gallese, Francesca Molteni, Lia Piano, Alessandro Portelli, Davide Sisto, Federico Valacchi, Irene Vallejo, Patrizia Violi. Host: Nadia Terranova.





Paola Ciandrini / Coordinator of Project Ibridamente and Member of DAP Digital Archives Perspectives, University of Macerata - Master FGCAD.

Francesco Mazzucchelli / Researcher (University of Bologna) and Director of TraMe

Claudio Paolucci / Associate Professor (University of Bologna) and Coordinator of the PhD Course in Philosophy, Science, Cognition and Semiotics.

Recordings of the conference