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20 JUNE 2024

The ghost in the impossible machine: Reparation and the biopolitics of transition.

Aula Mondolfo, Via Zamboni, 38, Bologna - In presence and online event

Lecture by Jaco Barnard-Naudé, Centre for Rhetoric Studies (CRhS), University of Cape Town.

09 MAY 2024

Philosophies of preservation in Italy and Japan. A comparison between heritage cultures.

Centro Umberto Eco, Via Marsala 26, Sala Rossa - In presence and online event

International conference organized by Mokichi Okada Chair on Beauty dalla Cattedra sulla Bellezza Mokichi Okada

12 APRIL 2024

Spaces of Memory: Questioning Traumatic Heritage.

Centro Umberto Eco, Via Marsala 26, Sala Rossa - In presence and online event

Final conference of the European Project SPEME-SPACES OF MEMORY

01 DECEMBER 2023
12 APRIL 2024

PhD Seminars: Semiotics, Trauma and Memory

different locations

Seminars for the PSCS PhD students (Curriculum. Semiotics - 12 hours - 1 CFU - SSD: M-FIL/05, coordinator Prof. Francesco Mazzucchelli, in collaboration with Prof. Anna Maria Lorusso and Prof. Cristina Demaria.

10 APRIL 2024

Conflict Heritage and Holocaust Analogies: Competing Memories beyond Identity Politics.

AULA C, Via Azzo Gardino 23

With Ihab Saloul (UvA, University of Amsterdam).

03 APRIL 2024

The magician's hat: Conspiracy narratives’ potentiality for cultivating collective memory.

Aula C, Via Azzo Gardino 23

Lecture by Mari-Liis Madisson (Tallinn University).

31 MARCH 2024

SPEME - Calendar of March 2024 Events (Argentina).

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The activities in Argentina of the SPEME - Spaces of Memory project, organized by the University of Buenos Aires and ex-ESMA for the month of March 2024.

11 DECEMBER 2023

(Ab)uses of history in Ukraine. War and cultural heritage

Sala Rossa, Centro Umberto Eco, Via Marsala 26, Bologna - In presence and online event

With Julie Deschepper. For the cycle Inheriting 2. Semiotics of transmission, organised by the 'Umberto Eco' International Centre for Humanistic Studies, the Antonio Pasqualino Museum, the TRAME Centre and the Sicilian Semiotic Circle.

11 DECEMBER 2023

Inheriting 2 - OFF (Bologna's programme). Semiotics of transmission.

In presence and online event

Part of "Inheriting Two. Semiotics of Transmission", directed by Francesco Mangiapane and Francesco Mazzucchelli

06 DECEMBER 2023

Inheriting 2. Semiotics of Transmission (in Italian)

In presence and online event

Organized by Museo Pasqualino (Palermo), Circolo semiologico siciliano and TRAME research centre

01 DECEMBER 2023

Les abords de Notre-Dame de Paris. Sémiotique aspectuelle de l’espace et du temps

Sala Rossa, Centro Umberto Eco, Via Marsala 26, Bologna - In presence and online event

With Denis Bertrand. For the cycle Inheriting 2. Semiotics of transmission, organised by the 'Umberto Eco' International Centre for Humanistic Studies, the Antonio Pasqualino Museum, the TRAME Centre and the Sicilian Semiotic Circle.

20 OCTOBER 2023

What is not talked about, can be conveyed otherwise. The transformations of writing in the digital age

Sala Rossa, Centro Umberto Eco, Via Marsala 26, Bologna - In presence and online event

With Giacomo Pezzano (University of Turin). For the cycle Inheriting 2. Semiotics of transmission, organised by the 'Umberto Eco' International Centre for Humanistic Studies, the Antonio Pasqualino Museum, the TRAME Centre and the Sicilian Semiotic Circle.