Aula A - Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione - via Azzo Gardino 23 - Bologna
K&C Webinars 2022
Online event
Second interdisciplinary webinar of the "K&C webinars 2022" - Theme 2 "Artificial Intelligence
K&C Webinars 2022
Online event
First interdisciplinary webinar of the "K&C webinars 2022" - Theme 1 "False, True, and models of Knowledge"
Among disciplines. Three seminars on interdisciplnarity
Online event
Third seminar, from a thecnical and administrative point of view, of three seminars on interdisciplinarity. Speakers: Alessia Franchini (Aric), Sara Colombo (Research manager, Filcom), Natalia Rossi (Research manager, Din) e Maria Cecilia Flores (Artec).
Among disciplines. Three seminars on interdisciplnarity
Online event
Second seminar, from a practical point of view, of three seminars on interdisciplinarity. Speakers: PIs of 3 interdisciplinary projects and a speaker with an interdisciplinary profile. Furthermore, at the beginning a workshop from the SHAPE-ID project will be illustrated.
Among disciplines. Three seminars on interdisciplnarity
Sala Rossa, via Azzo Gardino 23 (reservation is needed by writing an email to - In presence and online event
First seminar, from a theoretical point of view, of three seminars on interdisciplinarity. Speakers: Edouard Machery "Interdisciplinarity and Scientific Concepts" and Bianca Vienni Baptista "Shaping interdisciplinary practices in Europe: insights from theSHAPE-ID project"
Room VI, ground floor, via Zamboni 38 (attendance is free but registration is required: see the workshop website)
An international workshop organised by the Cogito-Unibo and Knowledge & Cognition research centres.
The Online Disinformation workshop is a three days event (28-30 June) organised by the Knowledge and Cognition and Cogito research groups at the University of Bologna. It will cover a broad range of issues relating to online disinformation, in an interdisciplinary framework.
Chats on Philosophy and the Life Sciences
Ninth workshop of the series "Chats on Philosophy and the Life Sciences", organized by Antonella Tramacere (University of Bologna) and John Bickle (Mississipi State University).
International Centre for Enactivism and Cognitive Semiotics
Seventh workshop in the series organised by the International centre for enactivism and cognitive semiotics in collaboration with the Knowledge and Cognition research centre.
Chats on Philosophy and the Life Sciences
Eighth workshop of the series "Chats on Philosophy and the Life Sciences", organized by Antonella Tramacere (University of Bologna) and John Bickle (Mississipi State University).
International Centre for Enactivism and Cognitive Semiotics
Sixth workshop in the series organised by the International centre for enactivism and cognitive semiotics in collaboration with the Knowledge and Cognition research centre.