The Cognitive Science and the Fragmentation of the Research on Mind - Sara Dellantonio (Università di Trento)

  • Date: 11 OCTOBER 2023  from 11:00 to 13:00

  • Event location: Aula D, via Zamboni 34

Research on the mind before the emergence of cognitive science was fragmented and characterized by a multitude of independent approaches and schools. Members of these schools were persuaded that they had the explanation for all psychological phenomena, that they had adequate methodology, and that they could also ignore all that was done by other schools. At least originally, the development of cognitive science seemed to provide an opportunity to improve a solid, integrated evidence-based approach on the mind that would overcome the limitations and divisions of the previous research. In this class, we will consider the disciplines involved in the project, their roles, their methods and how they have evolved over time in order to understand which factors have hindered this project and prevented cognitive science from developing a unified approach to the mind.