
Ongoing and Completed Research Projects

Ongoing Projects

PRIN MUR 2022- Planning for Food Security in the 1960s: FAO and the Freedom from Hunger Campaign in Africa"
• Scientific Coordinator of UniBO research unit: Prof. Pallotti
• Research Unit members: Prof. Tornimbeni, Prof. Zamponi
• This projects aims at evaluating the impact of the Freedom from Hunger Campaing (FFHC) on the elaboration of African countries' multi-year development plans and their domestic economic and social dynamics and assess how African countries contributed to the definition of the objectives of the campaign.

PRIN MUR 2022 - VERNACOSM - Vernacular Cosmopolitanism: History and Archives of Italian Subalterns in Egypt, 1861-1937
• Principal Investigator: Prof. Francesca Biancani
• In collaboration with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Linguistic and Cultural Studies, and the Interdepartmental Center for Digital Humanities
• This project aims to revisit the history of the Italian community in Egypt using a bottom-up and microhistorical approach, based on the recovery and archival enhancement of the extensive records of consular courts in Cairo and Alexandria, preserved at the Historical Diplomatic Archive of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

HORIZON-MSCA-2023-PF-01 EMMA - European Marginals in Mediterranean Africa: Race, Space and Environment in Tunisia and Libya (1881-1950s)
• Coordinator Contact: Dr. Gabriele Montalbano
• Primary Coordinator: Prof. Francesca Biancani
• This project conducts a trans-imperial historical analysis of the agency and subjectivation processes of subaltern Europeans living in Tunisia and Libya during the colonial period. It integrates social science methods from history and anthropology, utilizing archival sources from Tunisia, France, the UK, Italy, and Malta.

Completed Projects (Non-Exhaustive List)

2020 - “NATO Decision-making: Promises and Perils of the Big Data Age”
• Funded by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Rome
• Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Francesco Niccolò Moro, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna

2020 - “CYBDIPLO – European Cyberdiplomacy”
• Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network Project
• Scientific Coordination: Prof. Francesco Niccolò Moro
• Collaborating Institutions: Université Libre de Bruxelles, University of Warwick, University of Leiden, Tallinn University of Technology, International Christian University, University of Waikato

2018 - “Reluctant Protagonists: The Transformation of Defense in Italy, Japan, and Germany”
• Funded by the University of Bologna (AlmaIdea Call 2017)
• Principal Investigator: Prof. Francesco Niccolò Moro

2018 - “Joint Effort for the Defence Industry (J.E.D.I.)”
• Three-year project funded by the European Investment Bank (EIB)
• Prof. Francesco Niccolò Moro participated as a member of the local research unit
2018 - “Projecting Stability in an Era of Hybrid Warfare and Terrorism: NATO’s Role?”
• Funded by the Istituto Affari Internazionali
• Prof. Francesco Niccolò Moro participated as a member of the local research unit at the University of Bologna

2016 - “Political Affairs and Technological Transformation: Evolution and Relevance for NATO Strategy (PATTERNS)”
• Prof. Moro participated as a member of the local research unit at UniBo
• In collaboration with NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT)

PRIN MIUR 2015 - “The Making of the Washington Consensus: Negotiating International Assets, Debts, and Power (1979-91)”
• Coordinated by Prof. Massimiliano Trentin
• Collaborating Institutions: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the University of Florence
• Investigated international debt negotiations of the 1980s through selected case studies, providing insights relevant to contemporary policymaking

PRIN MIUR 2015 - “Death and Dying in Italy: Attitudes, Behaviors, Beliefs, and Rituals”
• Prof. Lorenzo Zambernardi contributed as a member of the leading research unit at the Department of Political Science, University of Bologna

2014 - "Projections and Relevant Effects of Demographic Implications, Changes, and Trends" (PREDICT)
• Prof. Moro participated as a member of the local research unit at UniBo
• In collaboration with NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT)

PRIN MUR 2010 - "State, Plurality, and Change in Africa"
• Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Mario Zamponi
• Research Team Members: Profs. Pallotti and Tornimbeni
• Collaborating Institutions: University of Pavia (lead institution), University of Bologna (DISCI Department), University of Catania, University of Naples L'Orientale, University of Milan-Bicocca, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
• The project examined social, ethnic-linguistic, religious, and institutional pluralism and socio-political change in African states through a historical, political science, and anthropological lens. It analyzed democratization processes, governance doctrines, diaspora influences, and elite reproduction models.

2009 - ACP S&T Grant Contract N° FED/2009/217058 - "Community-Based System in HIV Treatment" (CoBaSys)

• Team Leaders: Profs. Pallotti and Zamponi, University of Bologna
• In collaboration with: University of Manchester, University of Malawi, University of Zimbabwe, Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique), University of Dar es Salaam, University of Botswana, University of Namibia, and research institutions from Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Belgium
• Aimed at improving healthcare integration for HIV treatment within the EU ACP Science and Technology Program

PRIN MIUR 2006 - “Governance and Institution Building: A ‘Virtuous Circle’ for Development and Poverty Reduction Policies in Southern Africa?”
• Directed by Prof. Anna Maria Gentili
• Participants: Profs. Zamponi, Pallotti, and Tornimbeni, University of Bologna
• Focused on governance and state-building processes in Southern Africa, analyzing political institutions and their interaction with development policies.