
Mission and objectives

©University of Bologna/Antonio Cesari

The Centre for African and Middle Eastern historical and political studies is part of the Department of Political and Social Sciences. Established in 2006, the Centre aims at promoting research and study on African and Middle Eastern countries with a special interest for the history and  transformation of political and social institutions and development issues. The Centre endeavours at conductiong research on the above mentioned topics and promote its dissemination by coordinating research groups, organizing talks, seminars, symposiums and conferences, in addition to the release of scientific publications. The Center's members are faculty, postdoctoral and doctoral researchers experienced in interdisciplinary research. The Centre endeavours at developing ties to other national and international centres. 

The Centre's research covers multiple research strands: 

  • history and politics of African and Middle Eastern countries, with a special focus on decolonization, resistance and grassroots pollitics 
  • Development and cooperation in Africa and the Middle East 
  • International relations of African and Middle Eastern Countries
  • Democratization in African and Middle Eastern Countries 
  • Climate change and environmental politics in Africa and the Middle East 
  • Mediterranean studies, with special focus on the role of class, gendere and race in the making of the making of the imperial and post-imperial Mediterannean space (late 19th century-first half of the 20th century)