


Junior researchers can submit the application to participate in the "C3-Patronage-2025" program. The program provides for the assignment of 5 prizes for PhD/research fellow member of C3, to cover the fee of schools/congresses.



A panel discussion between Paul Anastas
and Italian scientists

9th April, 9.30 Accademia delle Scienze di Bologna



Junior researchers can submit the application to participate in the "C3-Patronage-2024" program. The program provides for the assignment of 5 prizes for PhD/research fellow member of C3, to cover the fee of selected schools/congresses.



Until January 15th, C3 members have the opportunity to submit applications to request financial support for the "Visiting-C3-2024” program. The program aims to support the visit to the C3 of eminent researchers in the field of catalysis.

Italian PhD Program in Catalysis


The University of Bologna with C3 participated to Italian Phd Program In Catalysis. At the moment, 26 universities, 5 research centers and institutions, 15 Italian and foreign companies have joined this project.

Read the article in Unibo Magazine

30th May 2022


Interview to the coordinators of C3 now available in unibo website: link.

8th February 2023


Prof. M. Bandini received the EurJOC Lecturer at the 11th Asian-European Symposium on Metal-Mediated Organic Synthesis in Haifa