Free event
Date: 31 MAY 2022 from 9:00 to 20:00
Event location: Aula O "Ciamician", Piano Terra U.E. 4, Via Piero Gobetti, 85 - Bologna - In presence and online event
The C3 Kick-Off meeting will be the launch event of the Center, aiming to create an informal and fruitful atmosphere for young researchers to share their latest findings with eminent scientists of the production world.
The scientific programme of the one-day meeting will include two Invited Communications from industry and oral communications by junior researchers members of the C3.
If you will not join with us in presence, you could follow the event on Teams platform: Link
Registration for on-site event is required but the event is free of charge. Registration Deadline 20th May 2022.
The request for Oral Presentation (Only for RTDa, PhDs and Assegnisti di ricerca member of C3) must be inserted in the registration form. Submission Deadline 8th May 2022.
9:00-9:30; Opening Remarks
Chair (E. Tagliavini)
9:30-10:15 IL1; Dr. Jacopo Roletto
Procos S.p.A. (CBC Group)
"API manufacturing: scale up of hydrogenation reactions through a multidisciplinary approach"
Chair (A. Gualandi)
10:15-10:25 OC1; Chiara Portolani
Enantio- and diastereoselective synthesis of novel N-N atropisomeric hydrazides by sequential catalysis.
10:25-10:35 OC2; Giandomenico Magagnano
Photochemical Processes for the Functionalization of Alkenes and Alkynes
10:35-10:45 OC3; Federica Mariani
Amplification of Electrocatalytic Signals with Organic Electrochemical Transistors
10:45-11:05; Coffee break
Chair (G. Bencivenni)
11:05-11:15 OC4; Giulio Bertuzzi
Reductive cross-electrophile couplings: nickel-catalysis and electrosynthesis
11:15-11:25 OC5; Francesca Forti
Bimetallic Ruthenium carbonyl cluster: synthesis, characterization and study of catalytic activity
11:25-11:35 OC6; Demetra Giuri
Are supramolecular gels suitable media to control catalytic reactions?
11:35-11:45 OC7; Stefano Corrà
Stereodynamics of Mechanically Interlocked Molecules
Chair (P. Benito-Martin)
11:45-11:55 OC8; Giorgia Pagnotta
Nanostructured polymeric sustainable materials as supports for heterogeneous catalysis
11:55 -12:05 OC9; Dario Corbisiero
Fast, Enantioselective and Tailored MacMillan’s Imidazolidinone–Catalysis for the Synthesis of Polyfunctionalized δ4-Isoxazoline Scaffold
12:05-12:15 OC10; Danilo Arcangeli
Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Uric Acid on PEDOT:PSS Films for Wound Health Status Monitoring
12:15; Greetings by the Rector of the Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Prof. Giovanni Molari
12:30-14:00 Light lunch
Chair (A. Quintavalla)
14:00-14:10 OC11; Federico Poli
Biochar based electrodes for oxygen reduction reaction in microbial fuel cell
14:10-14:20 OC12; Tainha Marforio
Deciphering Reaction Mechanisms in Bio- and Nano- Catalysis
14:20-14:30 OC13; Francesco Maluta
Development of an Experimental/Computational approach for the characterization of tubular reactors with heterogeneous catalysts
Chair (F. Cavani)
14:30-15:15 IL2; Dr. Paolo Pollesel - Dr. Carlo Perego
Renewable Energy & Environmental R&D, Eni S.p.A.
"Development of catalytic technologies in Eni"
15:15-15:30; Networking
Chair (A. Quintavalla)
15:30-15:40 OC14; Andrea Cantelli
EPR probes for the detection of binding events in aqueous and non-conventional environments
15:40-15:50 OC15; Alessia Ventimiglia
Catalytic systems in low environmental impact processes: a theoretical and experimental study
Chair (R. Mazzoni)
15:50-16:00 OC16; Andrea Fermi
Enabling metallaphotoredox catalysis with visible light
16:00-16:10 OC17; Alessandro Allegri
Aquivion® PFSA-based spray-freeze dried composite catalysts for the one-pot domino reaction from furfural to γ-valerolactone
16:10-16:20 OC18; Davide Carboni
Hydrofunctionalyzation of Allenamides
16:20-16:40; Networking
Chair (R. Mazzoni)
16:40-16:50 OC19; Andrea Fasolini
Catalysis for renewables and innovative processes: consolidated and novel research lines toward a greener future
16:50-17:00 OC20; Valentina Giraldi
Biocatalysis in organic synthesis: application of the Laccase Mediator System for greener oxidation reactions of alcohols and amines
Chair (P. Benito-Martin)
17:00-17:10 OC21; Francesco Calcagno
Disclosing the mechanism of the Guerbet reaction: a computational and experimental study
17:10-17:20 OC22; Giorgiana Denisa Bisag
Organocatalytic reactions of stabilized sulfoxonium ylides with salicylaldehyde derivatives for the synthesis of chromane structures
17:20-17:30 OC23; Andrea Canciani
Electrocatalytic conversion of biomass-derived molecules
17:30-17:45; Closing Remarks