C3-Day 2024

  • Date: 04 JUNE 2024  from 9:15 to 18:15

  • Event location: Aula O "Ciamician", Piano Terra U.E. 4, Via Piero Gobetti, 85 - Bologna

The 3rd edition of the C3-Day will be a unique opportunity for established and early-stage scientists in the field of catalysis to share their latest findings across Academia and Industry, in an informal, international and fruitful atmosphere.


Present your own research and share ideas! Oral and poster communications available.


Institut für Organische und Biomolekulare Chemie - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany)

C–H Activation: From Late-Stage Functionalization to Metallaelectro-Catalysis


Clariant AG, BU Catalysts, R&D, Dept. Oxidation (Germany)

Sustainability: The New Driver for Industry and Not So New for Oxidation Catalysis


School of Chemistry University of Cardiff (UK)

Single-Reactor Tandem Processes for the Synthesis of Biobased Chemicals and Fuels


Technology Manager Precious Metal Catalysts EMEA BASF SE (Germany)

BASF GREEn catalyst technology - Sustainable and efficient precious metal usage

📣 New! Programme Available ⬇︎⬇︎

🟢 Registration


Registration for on-site event is required.


Registration fees (see information in the registration form):

i) Free for academic/industrial C3 members.

ii) Academic non C3-members: 50 €.

iii) Industrial non C3-members: 100 €.


Registration Deadline: 7th May 2024.

🟢 SCI Fellowships available!


Fellowships that cover the registration fees are available from the Catalysis Interdivisional Group (GIC), Inorganic and Organic Chemistry Divisions of the Italian Chemical Society.

⇩⇩See information and apply at the link below⇩⇩


‼️NEW: Deadline for fellowship request 17th April.‼️

🟢 Communications


The event will provide the opportunity to the participants to present recent results in the field of catalysis.


Oral communications are dedicated to NON-members of C3

Poster communications are open to all participants.

We do not have a pre-established size for the poster, you can choose the size you prefer considering that the grids for the poster are a maximum of 100x180 (widthxheight).

Poster prizes will be awarded by Chemistry Europe



Official language of the event will be English.

Please fill the form to apply for Oral or Poster communications by 19th April 2024.

You will be notified by 24th April 2024 if your communication has been accepted.

Register and submit your request here:


Sponsored by PROCOS S.p.A.

Sponsor by Fresenius Kabi

Activity funded with the contribution of the Department of Excellence program financed by the Minister of University and Research 2023-2027 (L. 232 del 01/12/2016)

Poster Communication Prize by Chemistry Europe!

Organizing Committee


  • Giulio Bertuzzi
  • Cristiana Cesari
  • Andrea Fermi
  • Lucia Ferrazzano
  • Andrea Gualandi
  • Giulia Martelli

How to reach us

Aula O "Ciamician", Piano Terra U.E. 4, Via Piero Gobetti, 85 - Bologna


Secretariat C3

Write an e-mail