HECTOR is funded by the Erasmus+ Action 2 programme - Cooperation for the innovation and exchange of good practices. This action aims to support the development, sharing and exchange of good practices and innovative approaches in the field of youth education and training.
The HECTOR project is coordinated by the European Institute of Cultural Routes and involves three universities - IREST, University Paris 1 Sorbonne (France), LABPACT, University of Barcelona (Spain), CAST, University of Bologna (Italy) - and one cultural foundation - Fondazione Federico II (Italy).
The partners will work for two years to identify and develop innovative training programmes in heritage and cultural tourism management, with particular reference Council of Europe Cultural Routes.
Period of the project: 2014-2016
Scientific Coordinator: Alessia Mariotti
Team of research: Patrizia Battilani, Cristina Bernini, Paolo Figini, Francesco Maria Barbini, Renato Medei, Chiara Rabbiosi, Annalisa Spalazzi
Funding programme: Erasmus + KA2 Strategic partnership - “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices”.