to cultural districts for the tourist enhancement of the cross-border area
Central to the project is the District Governance Model, which encourages innovation through the involvement of various stakeholders, including young people, universities, cultural associations, tourism operators, and the local community. VALUE Plus will expand existing districts and establish three new ones, guided by a jointly developed Meta-District Strategy translated into a cross-border Action Plan.
It is governed by a cooperation agreement pursuant to art. 15 L. 240 between the Emilia-Romagna Region and Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna - Centre for Advanced Studies on Tourism CAST who undertake to cooperate for the implementation of the project named ‘LIBECCIO -sustainabiLIty of tourism By Enhancing Cooperation and dIgital transfOrmation’ - Project ID Euro-MED0200672 Interreg Euro MED Programme.
Scientific advisor: Patrizia Battilani
Project duration: from 11/07/2024 to 07/31/2026
Co-participation: the Emilia-Romagna Region recognizes € 25.990,00 euros to CAST, the CAST co-participates with € 3.000,00.