Moving from the analysis of figurative artworks and the promotion of tourist itineraries based on them, RECOLOR is innovative in its capacity to address at the same time both natural and cultural heritage. The project will promote famous and less known artworks by creating specific itineraries to visit the still-existing landscapes there depicted, developing new tourist offers and promoting a season adjustment of tourist flow.
In this way the RECOLOR project intends to contribute to the diversification of tourism products and services, also improving the quality of tourism offer under the general vision of sustainable and responsible tourism. A major set of its activities will target the tourism operators, in order to support the increase of existing skills, as well as the development of new capacities and knowledge.
The project idea will be realized with the participation of the local stakeholders (municipalities, provinces, regions, universities, cultural institutions, public and private associations) and the community as a whole. A participatory process will be developed involving the local community in enhancing the new cultural attraction. The project focuses on involving local people in decisions about how their own landscape should develop in the future. It is planned to involve and train cultural landscape guides so as to act as ambassadors for the region, informing the public about its scenic qualities. The project team will work together with local experts to identify suitable sites for maintaining the natural environment that can serve as a counter-balance for nearby areas undergoing more intensive land development.
Period of the project: 2019-2021
Scientific Coordinator: Patrizia Battilani
Team of research: Alessia Mariotti, Francesco Barbini, Massimo Giovanardi, Maria Giulia Silvagni
Keywords: cultural heritage, artworks, sustainable and responsible tourism, seasonality
Funding programme: Interreg Italia – Croazia 2014-2020 - ENVIRONMENTAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE / SO 3.1
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