Led by Emilia – Romagna Region (DG Knowledge, Labour and Enterprise Economy) this project aims at strengthening a transnational partnership among of 8 countries in the Med area (2 Ministries, 8 Regions, 5 Clusters, 3 RTOs and other organizations) in the Blue Growth sector, which is currently behind the EU average. General goals of the projects are:
The strong partnership, thanks to the open innovation approach, will act as catalyzer for cooperative sustainable innovation actions, placing MISTRAL in a unique position to boost Blue Growth in the MED area, thus responding to the programme challenges. A clustering innovation service pack for Blue Growth clusters and operators will improve the innovation performance of at least 300 SMEs with at least 100 experts benefitting from the transnational activities and exchange programmes on capacity building. MISTRAL has the ambition to develop a wider governance vision towards 2020 in the BG sector as well as assuring the effective policy mainstreaming. In conclusion, MISTRAL will be the Blue Innovation wind in the MED area unlocking the innovation potential of the coastal and marine ecosystem.
The following needs will be tackled:
In accordance with the BLUEMED initiative, MISTRAL will:
MISTRAL will tackle the many technical challenges of the different BG sectors through increasing the share of knowledge of:
CAST had the responsibility to coordinate the University contribution in the project. Other Department involved are: Dicam - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e Dei Materiali; Chim - Dipartimento Di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician"; Bigea - Dipartimento Di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche E Ambientali.
Period of the project: 2018-2021
Scientific Coordinator: Patrizia Battilani
Keywords: blue economy, mediterranean, marine and sustainable innovation, Smart Specialization Strategies
Funding programme: Interreg Mediterranean 2014-2020