The project aims to improving tourism governance, destination management, sustainability and risk resilience in the Euro-Mediterranean area through digital transformation.
Through digital transformation, Libeccio aims at addressing some of the main challenges faced by Tourism in the Mediterranean area. The lack of resilience to unforeseeable risks, the rigidity of its governance in responding and mitigating them, the need to provide more timely information to tourism policy and decision makers are all hindering factors, in relation to a more sustainable development of the Sector.
Libeccio means to respond to the need for a better destination management, supporting policy makers with an informed and data-based decision-making process, positively impacting the implementation of policies for a more sustainable tourism paradigm. Sustainability is here interpreted as multi-faceted: environmental, social and economic.
It is governed by a cooperation agreement pursuant to art. 15 L. 240 between the Emilia-Romagna Region and Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna - Centre for Advanced Studies on Tourism CAST who undertake to cooperate for the implementation of the project named ‘LIBECCIO -sustainabiLIty of tourism By Enhancing Cooperation and dIgital transfOrmation’ - Project ID Euro-MED0200672 Interreg Euro MED Programme.
Scientific advisor: Paolo Figini
Project duration: from 09/17/2024 to 06/30/2026
Co-participation: the Emilia-Romagna Region recognizes 60,375.00 euros to CAST, the CAST co-participates with 6,038.00 euros.