The internationalisation of markets and delocalization processes contributed to make business trips more expensive and complex. Thanks to reporting and data analysis is possible to identify weaknesses and strenghts of the companies’ buying process of business trips. The business travel intelligence can help Italian companies to be more efficient.
The course is addressed to those professionals that collect, organize and analyze data about business trips’ purchase, consumption and management process.
At the end of the course participiants will be able to optimize buying and management of business trips. It will be teached a statistical method to compare data in an easy but rigorous way about different themes like purchase performaces, consumer behaviour and supply risk in the travel field. This work will lead to the optimization of expenses.
Moreover, innovative benchmarks will be presented to allow the comprehension of the best and worst practices in the relation with services’ suppliers and with travellers.
Finally, there will be an overview about this market evolution and future scenarios led by some Travel services’ suppliers.