Members of the Board

Andrea Guizzardi

Andrea Guizzardi

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

Head of CAST

Patrizia Battilani

Patrizia Battilani

Department of Economics

CAST member and councilor

Manuela Presutti

Manuela Presutti

Department of Management

CAST member and councilor

Francesco Maria Barbini

Francesco Maria Barbini

Department of Management

CAST member and councilor

Roberto Pattuelli

Department of Economics

CAST member and councilor

Massimo Giovanardi

Massimo Giovanardi

Department for Life Quality Studies

CAST member and councilor

Alessia Mariotti

Alessia Mariotti

Department for Life Quality Studies

CAST member and councilor

Laura Vici

Laura Vici

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

CAST Member and councilor

Maria Gabriella Baldarelli

Maria Gabriella Baldarelli

Department of Management

CAST member and auditor

Marcello M. Mariani

Marcello M. Mariani

Department of Management

CAST member and auditor

Silvia Emili

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

CAST member and auditor

Pierpaolo Pattinoni

Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"

CAST member and auditor

Paolo Figini

Paolo Figini

Department of Economics

CAST member and auditor

Emanuela Randon

Emanuela Randon

Department of Economics

CAST member and auditor

Gianpaolo Proni

Gianpaolo Proni

Department for Life Quality Studies

CAST member and auditor