What the CEDE does
Societies, cultures, and environments all over the world are undergoing a profound, digital transformation. Education and training, business and industry, travelling and logistics, banking, finance and insurance, retailing and shopping, entertainment, welfare and healthcare, politics and social relations, in short life itself as we know it is being reshaped by digital technologies, services, products, and practices.
This digital transformation is a new chapter in human history that needs to be written responsibly and sustainably. To contribute to this aim, the Centre for Digital Ethics (CEDE) develops, coordinates, supports and disseminates normative research about the ethical challenges posed by the digital revolution, for a broad audience of academic and other interested parties, including private and public actors, both nationally and internationally.
In particular, the Centre investigates and evaluates, with an interdisciplinary approach, ethical problems brought about by digital data (including generation, recording, curation, processing, dissemination, sharing, and use), algorithms (including AI, artificial agents, machine learning, and robots), and corresponding practices (including responsible innovation, programming, hacking, and professional codes), in order to formulate and support ethically sound solutions (e.g., sustainable and socially preferable values, policies and conducts).
Through its activities, the CEDE offers an international forum to all researchers, scholars, scientists, decision-makers, policymakers, lawmakers, and experts interested in understanding and shaping the normative aspects of digital innovation and transformation, and their impact on individuals, societies, cultures, and environments.