GenDJus - Rights and Prejudice: Linguistic and Legal Implications of Gendered Discourses in Judicial Spaces

People involved

Carmelo Danisi, Marco Balboni, Francesca Ragno, Erika Myamoto

Project description

GenDJus explores, through an interdisciplinary legal-linguistic approach, the implications of gendered discourses in judicial spaces and their impact across national borders. It promotes research on inclusive societies by investigating subtle forms of discrimination, which can derive from prejudices, stereotypical views and biased attitudes, in actors that are often believed to be immune from these factors, i.e. international human rights bodies, the Court of Justice of the EU and the highest national courts.

To this end, as a testbed, GenDJus identified an area with high transnational implications: sexual, reproductive and parental rights. At the end of the project, in additional to the usual academic outputs, the research team expects to produce audiovisual material and a guidance on the use of inclusive language in judicial settings and to train actors involved in the justice system both on language and on transnational challenges of sexual- and family-related rights.

The research projects GenDJus was funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and the European Union (EU) under the Call PRIN 2022 PNRR (Next Generation EU) for the years 2023-2025.
