EUACT - European Human Rights Cities. A place for active citizens

People involved

Giorgia Pavani; Giuliana Laschi; Stefania Profeti; Claudia Tubertini; Valentina Orioli; Angela Santangelo; Marco Balboni; Francesca Minni; Erika Capasso

Project description

The EUACT Module aims to build the category of Human Rights city in the European framework and the transnational idea of City as a vector to promote active citizenship and to spread (new and old) European common values in Europe and beyond, through:

  • high-quality research aimed at developing the category of Human Rights city through a top-down (implementing the European Charter on Fundamental Rights) and bottom-up approach (promote active citizenship and a new model of public administration);
  • an experimental system of teaching activities that involves collaboration between university and municipalities, on the one hand, and between professors and the members of a multidisciplinary group of young scholars, on the other;
  • concrete support to local administrators and civil servants for the implementation of a new model of administration (the so-called ‘shared administration’ that is spreading from Italy to other European countries), with a clear mission of the project: “from the Academic world to Civil society”;
  • -a dissemination and exploitation strategy to share common European values at local level of government, among some European cities and to promote them in non-European countries, through the knowledge of the “European Human Rights city”.

EUACT leaves the confines of the University to enter the city, fostering a consistent dialogue between the academic team and local administrators and public officers during the lifetime of the project and beyond, experimenting with forms of shared teaching activities between academics and local civil servants.

EUACT is an ERASMUS-JMO-2024-MODULE — Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Modules.


Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education: Modules.