• Data: 18 MAGGIO 2023  dalle 10:15 alle 18:00

  • Luogo: Aula II, Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione, Via Zamboni 38, 40126, Bologna, Italia

  • Tipo: convegno

Claudia Losi, Amulets, 2020 | white ceramic and oxides | 48 elements: from 3 to 7 cm each on iron shelf cm 8,5 x 480 | detail | private collection | Hands: M.D. | Courtesy the artist

The research group RaMo – Radici e Motivi del Pragmatismo [] and the research center almæsthetics[] from the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies at the University of Bologna have joined their efforts and organized, for the academic year 2022-23, a series of seminars connected by the crucial theme of " The Practices of Common Sense." The idea behind the project was to understand common sense beyond the specific connotations that have classically oriented philosophical debates around it; by understanding it, therefore, in the broader profile of sense and sensibility and the social and shared dimension of experience. In particular, the theme was presented by the scholars involved in the seminar series by taking a specifically pragmatist perspective, that is, by addressing it from the point of view of a classical pragmatist, and of a specific discipline, spanning the philosophy of science, semiotics, psychology and aesthetics.

Its two specific lines of inquiry: sense and sensibility on the one hand, and experience in its social and shared dimensions on the other, will be made further central to the 2023 agenda of RaMo and almæsthetics, and will form the pivots around which a conference to be held on May 18, 2023 (FILCOM, aula II, Via Zamboni 38) will revolve.

The first half of the day, organized in collaboration with FILCOM for AlmaClimate [https://dfc.unibo. en/en/research/research-groups/filcom-for-almaclimate], will be devoted to the problem of climate justice and intergenerationality, understood as exemplary issues from which to build a dialogue that is primarily aesthetic, with a keynote lecture by Emily Brady (Texas A&M University), but also more broadly philosophical, as well as interdisciplinary, including in the debate theorists and practitioners active in the field of research and production of an "environmental" character in a broad sense, while emphasizing dynamics of sense-making and the exercise of sensibility at the social level. Following this line of thought, the conference will also address new forms of attention and narration related to the transformations brought about by climate change, with particular reference to the ability to recognize, trace and narrate their temporal dimensions that act on a scale as imperceptible as it is vast and multifarious: both in its violent and disruptive manifestations and in the practices or projects aimed at remediation and regeneration.

Invited speakers (round table):

- Claudio Coletta (University of Bologna)

- Gioia Laura Iannilli (University of Bologna)

- Claudia Losi (Artist, Piacenza)

- Paolo Savoia (University of Bologna)

The second half of the day will include a discussion on the relationship between common sense and social/political philosophy. In particular, possible avenues of reflection opened up by pragmatism will be discussed with respect to central issues in social and political ethics – the relationship between common sense and intelligence in the democratic sphere; the role of common sense in political activism; the relationship between science, democracy and common sense; and the need or lack thereof for "theory" in the ethical and moral spheres.

The event is part of the Sustainable Development Festival 2023 []

Invited speakers:

 - Roberto Frega (CNRS, Paris)

Livio Mattarollo (Universidad Nacional de la Plata)

- Matteo Santarelli (University of Bologna)

Just Serrano Zamora (Universidad de Málaga)