Happy hour with AI

We begin a series of informal meetings that will help us get to know each other and train us as a community interested in the multiple applications of Artificial Intelligence.

  • Date: 29 APRIL 2020  from 18:00 to 19:00

  • Event location: Teams

The title of the this first event is: Supervised, by reinforcement, unsupervised ... 50 shades of learning

Alessio Bonfietti, Michele Lombardi, and Samuele Salti (three young researchers formed at UniBo) will open the discussion with a short (about 30 minutes in all) non-specialist introduction and some personal notes. I hope that these will be followed by comments, curious observations, questions, points of view , and experiences from participants willing to intervene.

We aim at keeping the discussion on a non-specialist and totally inclusive level, about the skills, interests and curious issues related to AI for the industry, which, even though it is a restricted area, it is also a really heterogeneous one.

The idea is that WednesdAIs become a regular stimulus for thinking and exchanging ideas.