In presence and online event
2nd seminar of "Artificial Intelligence in Management (AIM) Research Seminars", founded and coordinated by Prof. Marcello Mariani (UNIBO). Guest Speaker: Prof. Chiara Longoni (Bocconi University)
Aula I - Dipartimento LILEC - Via Cartoleria, 5 - Bologna - In presence and online event
The conference will take place within the cours "Translation-German" and is promoted in collaboration with the TAURI departmental research Center and the multidisciplinary researc Center Alma Human-AI.
Aula Magna Dipartimento di Psicologia "Renzo Canestrari" Viale Berti Pichat 5, Bologna - In presence and online event
Symposium at the Renzo Canestrari Department of Psychology in Bologna
Academy of Science of Bologna Institute - In presence and online event
The last several years have brought rapid advancements in machine learning to a wide range of applications including robotics, recommendation engines, and video synthesis. These technologies are upending many assumptions about what might be possible.
Online Teams and physically at Sala Rossa - Centro Internazionale Studi Umanistici “Umberto Eco” - Via Marsala, 26 – Bologna
Workshop on projects related to the Scientific Unit Humanistic AI.
Online conference
This event gathers world authorities on different aspects of the Internet of Everything the promote scientific discussion, exchange research ideas and promote business opportunities. Participation is free. Registration is required.
Organised by SIPEIA, CIRSFID Alma AI, Master's Degree in IT Law and Legal Informatics
Speakers: Silvia Bernardini (DIT - Unibo), Rachele Raus (DIT - Unibo) and Daniela Piana (DAR - Unibo)
Participants: Annalisa Pelizza (FILCOM - UniBo), Wouter Van Rossem (University of Twente) and Aldo Gangemi (FICLIT - UniBo, ALMA-AI)
Participants: Monica Palmirani (CIRSFID-Alma-AI Unibo), Giusella Finocchiaro (Unibo), Ugo Ruffolo (Unibo), Dianora Poletti (Università di Pisa), Andrea Simoncini (Università di Firenze), Giovanni Comandè (Istituto Dirpolis, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna) e Giovanni Sartor (CIRSFID-Alma-AI, Unibo).
webinar in Microsoft Teams (link in the flyer)
Webinar about the AI regulation in the European Unionenell'ambito dell'Unione Europea
The combination of data-driven techniques from machine learning with symbolic techniques from knowledge representation is recognised as one of the grand challenges of modern AI. Frank van Harmelen proposes a set of compositional design patterns to describe a large variety of systems.