Visiting fellows, who are required relevant research experience in the field of "memory studies", or previous experience that can adequately fit into the five thematic clusters of the project, will carry out the following activities:
In February 2025, the call for applications was updated in accordance with the new University Visiting Professor and Visiting Scholar regulations. The list of low- and lower-middle income countries was also updated (Annex 2 to the call).
Furthermore, in order to encourage and enhance the excellent proposals of younger researchers, in the third, fourth and fifth intake the selection committee reserves the right to dedicate at least one place in each period to a candidate who can be classified as a Recognised Researcher according to the European Research Career Framework. If there are no suitable candidates in this category, all places may be reserved for candidates who can be classified as Established Researcher, according to the decision of the committee.
For further information on the profiles sought and on the application and selection procedures, see the 'Call for applications' box below.
Candidates can apply for the following intakes:
• Applications deadline: 30/04/2024
• Final rankings publication: 15/05/2024
• Applications deadline: 15/09/2024
• Final rankings publication: 01/10/2024
• Applications deadline: 31/03/2025
• Final rankings publication: 30/04/2025
• Applications deadline: 15/09/2025
• Final rankings publication: 01/10/2025
• Applications deadline: 31/03/2026
• Final rankings publication: 30/04/2026