One Health (OH) is a recent global movement that promotes networked, ecological thinking about health. It recognizes that the health of humans, animals, other organisms and the environment are inextricably nested into each other. The OH approach is aimed at identifying and quantifying all possible relationships and causal relationships in complex systems that can be at human/animal/environment interfaces, which has changed over time, including microbiomes, to appropriately targeting resources towards disease detection, prevention, prophylaxis and maximize the impact of interventions. To address the major health challenges that stem from the complex interactions (between humans, animals, plants and their ecosystems) recalibrating previous conceptual and methodological repertoires as well as tightening multidisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration is required.
The One Health Study Centre -UNIBO pursues education and research objectives and supports science based knowledge transfer for the benefit of the society. The OH approach is considered necessary to achieve many of the 2030 goals sustainable development (SDGs) identified by the United Nations since health is a pre-requisite and an indicator of sustainable development. The activities of the centre are thus consistent with the University of Bologna Strategies on Sustainable Development.Within the framework of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The UNIB-OH Centre is gathering a network of professionals with a strong commitment toward an improvement of health and welfare of humans and animals in a sustainable environment. The UNIB-OH Centre is the Italian mirror group of the UNA-OH initiative of the UNA EUROPA Alliance.