Erudition and censorship: Reading the Quran in Rome

First meeting of the seminar series “Memories and Oblivion of Islam in Europe (15th-20th Centuries)”

  • Date: 30 OCTOBER 2024  from 15:30 to 17:30

  • Event location: Aula Gambi, Department of History and Cultures, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2

First meeting of the seminar series “Memories and Oblivion of Islam in Europe (15th-20th Centuries),” organized by Chiara Petrolini and Guido Bartolucci.


Chiara Petrolini and Guido Bartolucci (Department of History Cultures Civilizations, University of Bologna).


Alastair Hamilton (The Warburg Institute);
Sara Fani, (Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna);
Federico Stella (ERC Project “The European Qu'ran”).

The seminar will be held from 3:30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. in Aula Gambi (Department of History and Cultures, Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2).


Chiara Petrolini

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