University of Bologna (Italy) June 20 and 21, 2024 Free access without registration, by scanning the QR CODE
Date: March 1 - March 30, 2021
Time: 14:00 to 17:00
Participan: Mauro Battocchi (Embajador de Italia en Chile); Lucio Pegoraro; Sabrina Ragone; Miriam Henríquez Viñas; Sergio Verdugo; Pamela Figueroa Rubio; Jorge Contesse; Tania Groppi; José I. Núñez Leiva. Co-sponsor: Observatorio Nueva Constitución y DPCE online
Fecha: 20 ENERO 2021
The Center for Latin American Studies collaborates in organizing the course: CONSTITUTIONAL LESSONS IN TIMES OF CRISIS, coordinated by Prof. Gerardo Ruiz-Rico Ruiz and organized by the University of Jaén and CESJ. Members of the Center for Latin American Studies will participate in some study sessions.
Date: October 6, 2020, from 17:30 to 20:00
Location: Google Meet
The conference will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform.
The name of the meeting evokes the skill of a billiard player who demonstrates dexterity by striking the ball against the side cushions of the table in search of a carom. It also alludes to the two shores defining the opposite sides of the Atlantic, marking a geographical division that often influences how a subject is perceived in each space. With the aim of turning this duality into a point of convergence—just like in a carom—we invite this gathering of Latin American scholars from Italy and countries south of the Río Bravo, united by communities of themes or authors.
April 22-24, 2025
University of Havana
Coordinators: Silvia Bagni and Yan Guzmán Hernández
This Comparative Law course at the University of Havana is part of a training initiative within the framework of the Avenida Italia International Cooperation Project, aimed at integrated urban redevelopment for local enhancement and support for innovative, organic, sustainable, creative, and circular economies. The project is financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).
The initiative, supported by Unioncamere Piemonte, the Government of People's Power of Havana, and the Municipal Assembly of People's Power of Centro Habana, benefits from the scientific collaboration of the Center for Latin American Studies at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna and the DIPEC Research and Training Group in European and Comparative Public Law at the University of Siena.
In Cuba, as in the rest of Latin America, Comparative Law is a relatively new legal discipline that has not yet been systematically taught in law degree programs. This intensive Comparative Law Course at the University of Havana is part of the Faculty of Law's commitment to promoting the development and dissemination of Comparative Law studies, as stated in the Havana Charter, a fundamental outcome of the First International Congress on Constitutional and Comparative Law "Cuba CON-PARA 2023".
It is a privilege to count on the expertise and experience of faculty members from the Italian School of Legal Comparison. Together with Cuban academics, they will engage in comparative discussions on forms of the State, the relationship between the Constitution and the economy, sustainable development in the Global South, innovative proposals for public and participatory resource management, and models of solidarity economy.
At the end of the course, participants will have acquired fundamental knowledge for the application of the comparative legal method. They will have deepened their understanding of constitutional and private law categories, such as forms of the State, economic constitutionalism, solidarity economy, and sustainable development, through the analysis of cases from the Latin American continent.