Elenco dei progetti collegati al Centro di Ricerca.
1) ESP (European Social Policy) - Jean Monnet Chair: The Jean Monnet Chair in European Social Policy "ESP" investigates the relevant issues related to the EU renewed social committment proclaimed in 2017 with the European Pillar of Social Rights and relaunched in connection to the Covid-19 recovery strategy at Porto 2021.
The aim of the Jean Monnet chair “European Social Policy” (ESP) is to take stock of the implementation of the Pillar five years after its proclamation, disseminating the relevant findings through teaching, learning and research activities.
Through a set of research lines, courses, seminars and outreach activities, ESP aims at reaching a deep and comprehensive understanding of the European Social Policy in people lives. The main beneficiaries will be students enrolled in first and second-cycle degrees in Business Administration and Sustainability (CLAMBAS) and Sociology in Bologna and Forlì.
Referente: Prof. Emanuele Menegatti
2) GEMS (Gender Equality in Multilevel Systems) - Jean Monnet Module: The project aims to explore gender equality from a multilevel perspective. In particular, it will focus on the role that both the European and local levels can play in addressing inequalities between men and women.
GEMS adopts a highly interdisciplinary approach, involving legal experts and sociologists who will contribute their varied perspectives to the project's activities. These activities will include the introduction of a dedicated course within the Master's Program in Sociology and Social Work, as well as the organization of seminars, workshops, roundtables, and conferences.
Referente: Prof.ssa Claudia Golino
3) Mind the Gap. Supporting Young People’s Mental and Emotional Health in School to Work Transitions: Il progetto "Mind the gap" si propone di analizzare i percorsi di transizione scuola-lavoro dei giovani concentrandosi sugli impatti in termini di benessere mentale e emotivo delle difficoltà e sfide incontrate nell’ambito di queste transizioni. Il progetto si concentra, nello specifico, su popolazioni giovanili che normalmente incontrano maggiori difficoltà e discriminazioni nell’ingresso nel mercato del lavoro: giovani donne, giovani non-binari, giovani con background migratorio e giovani con disabilità (NB. il lavoro sul campo a Bologna si concentra in particolar modo sui giovani non-binari e sulle giovani donne). Attraverso questionari, interviste semi-strutturate e focus group, il progetto intende dare voce alle loro esperienze, di riconoscere le loro strategie individuali e collettive di coping e di individuare strategie per favorirne l’inclusione lavorativa.
Referente: Prof.ssa Ilaria Pitti