The physical science basis of climate change

Director: Natale Alberto Carrassi

This thematic area is devoted to collate evidence to advance our understanding of the science behind climate change. With this respect the activity of our activity is aligned with the scope set by Group I of the IPCC. The main purpose of this area is to push research leading to the quantification of natural climate varibility as well as understanding the potential impact of natural forcing agents in the future climate evolution given the connection to near-term/decadal climate predictions and scenario-based projections. In this effort the improvement in climate modelling could be complemented by the use of climatic and climatological data obtained from historical series to build a user-driven knowledge base that informs human response to global change. These data allow to evaluate the variations over the years of several parameters and to identify critical periods. Both numerical based research and derivation of evidence from observations from several sources including remote sensing and ground observations are prority within the research promoted within this area.

Unit members:

Marco Antonellini (BIGEA), Alberto Armigliato (DIFA), Monica Azzolini (FILCOM), Matteo Berti (BIGEA), Daniele Bonacorsi (DIFA), Roberto Braga (BIGEA), Francesco Brardinoni (BIGEA), Erika Brattich (DIFA), Roberto Bruno (DICAM), Giacomo Calzolari (MAT), MARCO CANDELA (FABIT), Elisabetta Canè (CHIMIND), MARTINA CAPPELLETTI (FABIT), ATTILIO CASTELLARIN (DICAM), Barbara Cavalazzi (BIGEA), Elisabetta De Angelis (DIFA), Jo De Waele (BIGEA), Silvana Di Sabatino (DIFA), Enrico Dinelli (BIGEA), Luca Evangelisti (CHIM), Federico Fanti (BIGEA), Fausto Ferrari (MAT), Rita Fioresi (MAT), Jessica Fiori (CHIM), Alessandro Gargini (BIGEA), Beatrice Giambastiani (BIGEA), Marco Lenci (MAT), Tiziano Maestri (DIFA), Assimo Maris (CHIM), Sonia Melandri (CHIM), LUCA PATRUNO (DICAM), Nadia Pinardi (DIFA), Federico Porcù (DIFA), Cristina Puzzarini (CHIM), Marco Ridolfi (DIFA), Claudia Romagnoli (BIGEA), Veronica Rossi (BIGEA), Daniele Scarponi (BIGEA), Sonia Silvestri (BIGEA), Valeria Simoncini (MAT), Alessandro Simoni (BIGEA), Sahra Talamo (CHIM), Filippo Tamassia (CHIMIND), Daniele Tarchi (DEI), Riccardo Tarroni (CHIMIND), Laura Tositti (CHIM), Luca Trapin (MAT), Giovanni Valdrè (BIGEA), LUCA VITTUARI (DICAM), Filippo Zaniboni (DIFA), Marco Zavatarelli (DIFA).