Events, seminars, and research meetings
Aula di Virgilio, Via dei Bersaglieri 6/C, 40125 Bologna - In presence and online event
The seminar examines EU case law on the concept of a “safe third country,” analyzing key rulings and their impact on asylum, non-refoulement, and sovereignty within the framework of European law.
Online event
The seminar examines the impact of judicial assistants in Italy on reducing case backlogs and managing court workload. Registration required.
Sala Feste, Palazzo Malvezzi, Via Zamboni 22, 40126 Bologna BO
The seminar outlines the content and legislative process of the constitutional reform proposal on the separation of judicial careers, already approved by the Chamber and now under Senate review.
Aula Pessina, Corso Umberto I n. 40, Napoli
The length of the trial is analyzed from a variety of perspectives: from legal principles to digital transition; from alternative methods to organisational challenges.
University of Limoges, France
The JAR Association is organizing a conference on the theme of justice, exploring reforms, innovations, and challenges for its improvement. The program will be available soon.
Meeting room, IGSG - Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems, Via Zamboni 26, 40126 Bologna
The seminar explores career separation in Portugal, focusing on the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Prosecutor’s appointment, and the Public Prosecutor’s role with police. Invitation-only event.
Aula Farneti, Palazzo Hercolani, Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna - In presence and online event
The seminar examines the New Regulation on Asylum and Migration Management, its impact on applicants’ protection, and the role of national judges in dialogue with the Court of Justice of the EU.
Centro di Cultura, Formazione e Attività Forensi dell'Ordine degli Avvocati di Genova, Via XII Ottobre, 3, 16121 Genova GE
The event analyses the complex dynamics that link politics to the criminal justice system. The event is accredited for training purposes.
Registration is required - Online event
ELI Launches European Standards on Judicial Independence to Safeguard Democracy and the Rule of Law. Webinar III on Ethical Standards and Judicial Discipline.
Registration is required - Online event
ELI Launches European Standards on Judicial Independence to Safeguard Democracy and the Rule of Law. Webinar II on Judicial Governance and Judicial Appointment and Promotion.
Online event
The seminar explores the function of the new derogation regimes and emergency measures, and their interplay in the context of refugees’ access to asylum.
Registration is required - Online event
ELI Launches European Standards on Judicial Independence to Safeguard Democracy and the Rule of Law. Webinar I on the Foundations of Judicial Independence.