Sidrea International online workshop

terza missione

1st Social accounting and accountability in controversial industries and tourism: Interdisciplinary perspective (Accounting, Economics and Ethics in dialogue during Coronavirus Pandemia)

Sidrea International Online Workshop
“Dialoghi su Responsabilità, Economia ed Etica durante la pandemia da Coronavirus” – Prima Edizione

Il workshop ha indagato nuove prospettive e sfide nel campo della responsabilità sociale nei “settori controversi” identificando nuovi possibili scenari di sviluppo che intreccino contabilità, economia ed etica. Il workshop è stato promosso dal CAST insieme alla Società Italiana dei Docenti di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale (SIDREA).

Ci sono alcune realtà economiche – soprattutto in epoca di pandemia da Covid-19 – per le quali è difficile parlare di responsabilità ed etica, specialmente quando si persegue lo sviluppo ma si genera spreco di denaro. Tra i contesti più “velenosi” - che incrementano un’economia malata - si colloca il rapporto tra economia e le varie forme di dipendenza che causano costi sociali, poi scaricati sulla società nel nome del profitto. Alcuni di questi “settori controversi” sono il gioco d’azzardo, il tabacco, alcune aree del turismo, il petrolio.

In questi contesti risulta difficile parlare di responsabilità e contabilità sociale come guida del processo di cambiamento, specie se alcune aziende spingono verso comportamenti che destabilizzano lo sviluppo di un’economia sana. L’esperienza SIW ha messo a confronto sul tema studiosi italiani e stranieri, dottorandi e medici.

Data di svolgimento: 19/05/2020, dalle 14 alle 17
Luogo: Università di Bologna, Campus di rimini


- Prof.ssa Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli (coordinatrice e promotrice)
- Prof.ssa Patrizia Battilani (Direttore CAST)
Introduzione e saluti istituzionali


Prof. Laszlo Zsolnai (Corvinus University of Budapest), Moral Disengagement Strategies of Controversial Industries

Prof. Knut J. Ims NHH (Norwegian School of Economics), Social accountability in controversial industries – is it possible? A best practice? case  of gambling regulations.,

Prof. Emanuela Randon (University of Bologna), Youth Problem Gambling in Italy and Health Policy Implications. Results from a Latent Class Analysis of High-School Students

Prof. Gianfranco Rusconi (University of Bergamo), Health, Economics and Stakeholders: some ethical insights for private and public accounting

Prof. Mara Del Baldo (University of Urbino), Sustainability education in Unesco heritage sites

Ospiti speciali:

Prof. Ninel Nesheva Kiosseva (New Bulgarian University) Sofia, External shock: changing the business model

Research paper/proposal presentations e discussion:

Galyna Zavarika (PhD (Geography), (SievierodonetskA Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University), Instruments of development of Internal tourism in Eastern Ukraine in the conditions of post-conflict situation and limitation of international and internal mobility

Yuriy Dyachenko1*, Oleksandra Humenna2, Olena Zelenko1 (1 Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University; 2 National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy), Role of creativity, innovations, digital and cognitive technologies for marketing of family, small and medium tourism businesses in regional economic development during and after coronavirus pandemic

Valbona Dudi (PhD, Department of  Economics, Society and Policy -University of  Urbino Carlo Bo), Entering in the labour market as immigrant. Insights from Italy



The main goal of the workshop is to investigate new perspectives and challenges of accountability about controversial Industries and outline possible scenarios of its development in interdisciplinary perspectives. Especially: Accounting, Economics and ethics ones.

The idea is that there are some situations, especially at present in the Coronavirus pandemia, in which it is very difficult to speak about accountability and there are a lot of ethical implications. Especially when there are economic mechanisms that try to follow the patterns of development and money drain. One of them is about the "poison" that creeps in economy through various forms of "addiction". The different forms of "addiction" create social costs that are downloaded on the community in the name of pure profit. Thus, they develop forms of “ill” economy. There are some sectors that are considered “controversial industries” and are involving: gambling, tobaco, some areas of tourism; oil, etc… It may be more difficult to speak about social accounting and accountability as emancipatory change process and disclosure if companies endorse and develop behaviors that destabilize the development of civil economy.

The SIW proposal will give the opportunity to interact with foreign and Italian Scholars, Phd students and practitioners about relationship among: accounting, economics and ethics in friedly climate.

The Workshop is promoted by the Center of Advanced Studies in Tourism - CAST with the support of the Società Italiana dei Docenti di Ragioneria e di Economia Aziendale (SIDREA).

The workshop will take place on May 19th 2020 and will be held at University of Bologna -Rimini Campus under the patronage of: Department of Management and Department of Economics- University of Bologna -Rimini Campus and Emilia Romagna Region, Social Innovation Prize competition 2019 (2-5pm).

    Scholars, post-doctoral researchers, PhD students and professionals are invited to submit their working papers and research proposals to be considered for presentation.


    2 PM

    Introduction and institutional greetings

    • Prof.ssa Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli (promoter and coordinator)
    • Prof.ssa Patrizia Battilani (Chair of CAST)

    Keynote Speakers:

    • Prof. Laszlo Zsolnai (Corvinus University of Budapest)
      Moral Disengagement Strategies of Controversial Industries
    • Prof. Knut J. Ims NHH (Norwegian School of Economics)
      Social accountability in controversial industries – is it possible? A best practice? case  of gambling regulations.
    • Prof. Emanuela Randon (University of Bologna)
      Youth Problem Gambling in Italy and Health Policy Implications. Results from a Latent Class Analysis of High-School Students
    • Prof. Gianfranco Rusconi (University of Bergamo)
      Health, Economics and Stakeholders: some ethical insights for private and public accounting
    • Prof. Mara Del Baldo (University of Urbino)
      Sustainability education in Unesco heritage sites

    Special Guest:

    • Prof. Ninel Nesheva Kiosseva (New Bulgarian University) Sofia
      External shock: changing the business model


    Research paper/proposal presentations and discussion

    • Galyna Zavarika (PhD (Geography),(SievierodonetskA Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University)
      Instruments of development of Internal tourism in Eastern Ukraine in the conditions of post-conflict situation and limitation of international and internal mobility
    • Yuriy Dyachenko1*, Oleksandra Humenna2, Olena Zelenko1 (1 Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University; 2 National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)
      Role of creativity, innovations, digital and cognitive technologies for marketing of family, small and medium tourism businesses in regional economic development during and after coronavirus pandemic
    • Valbona Dudi (PhD, Department of  Economics, Society and Policy -University of  Urbino Carlo Bo)
      Entering in the labour market as immigrant. Insights from Italy


    Maria Gabriella Baldarelli

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