Room Alberti 11 - Via Angherà, 22, Rimini, Italy
Seminar held by Prof. Umesh Sharma (University of Waikato) - Introduction: Prof. Federica Farneti (University of Bologna)
Aula Ardigò - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy
SDE Lectures (2023/2024) First Meeting
Aula Poeti, Strada maggiore 45, Bologna
The Lectio Magistralis of Prof. Enrico Giovannini opens the academic year of the Department of Sociology and Economic Law and the third edition of the SDE Lectures.
Aula Ardigò - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy
Seminar held by Professor Gaëlle Marti (University of Lyon)
Sala Dottorandi (ex emeroteca), ground floor - Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna, Italy
Seminar held by Professor Marco Goldoni (University of Glasgow)
Aula Poeti - Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna, Italy
SDE LECTURES seventh meeting
Aula Ardigò - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy
SDE LECTURES Sixth Meeting
Aula Ardigò - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy
SDE LECTURES Fifth Meeting