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11 MARCH 2024

What Lies Beneath: the Exploitation of Women at Work

Aula Ruffilli- Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

06 MARCH 2024

Voluntary Sustainability Reporting by New Zeland Companies

ALBERTI 10 - Piano terra, 2.7 - Piazzetta Teatini, 13, Rimini, Italy

Seminar held by Prof. Umesh Sharma (University of Waikato) - Introduction: Prof. Federica Farneti (University of Bologna)

28 FEBRUARY 2024

Gender Citizenship in the Urban Perimeter: A Law & Humanities Perspective

Aula Pezemo - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

Lunch seminar with Leonardo Pasqui

15 FEBRUARY 2024

Administrative Capacity at the Governance's Different Levels

Aula Ardigò - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

SDE Lectures (2023/2024) Third Meeting

24 JANUARY 2024

The Life Cycle of a Policy

Aula Ardigò - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

SDE Lectures (2023/2024) Second Meeting

14 DECEMBER 2023

The Accounting Challenges for Indigenous Businesses

Red Lab - Via Angherà, 22, Rimini, Italy

Seminar held by Prof. Umesh Sharma (University of Waikato) - Introduction: Prof. Federica Farneti (University of Bologna)

12 DECEMBER 2023

The Role of Accountants in the Age of Big Data

Room Alberti 11 - Via Angherà, 22, Rimini, Italy

Seminar held by Prof. Umesh Sharma (University of Waikato) - Introduction: Prof. Federica Farneti (University of Bologna)

04 DECEMBER 2023

Compared Systems. Democracy and Policy Ideas

Aula Ardigò - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

SDE Lectures (2023/2024) First Meeting

30 OCTOBER 2023

Lectio Magistralis prof. Enrico Giovannini - Academic Year Inauguration

Aula Poeti, Strada maggiore 45, Bologna

The Lectio Magistralis of Prof. Enrico Giovannini opens the academic year of the Department of Sociology and Economic Law and the third edition of the SDE Lectures.

31 MAY 2023

Social Rights from a Gender Perspective

Aula Ardigò - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

Seminar held by Professor Gaëlle Marti (University of Lyon)

29 MAY 2023

The Materiality of Social Rights

Sala Dottorandi (ex emeroteca), ground floor - Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna, Italy

Seminar held by Professor Marco Goldoni (University of Glasgow)

04 MAY 2023

Transitions. Research Itineraries

Aula Poeti - Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna, Italy

SDE LECTURES seventh meeting