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12 JUNE 2024

Research Itineraries

Aula Seminari - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

SDE Lectures (2023/2024) Seventh Meeting dedicated to doctoral students of "Sociology and social research" and "European law"

05 JUNE 2024

How Can Sustainability Be Social? Reading the Anthropocene from the Perspective of Equity and Well-being

Aula Pezemo - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

Lunch seminar with Stella Volturo

22 MAY 2024

The Income Right in Italy: Reforms and Perspectives

Aula Pezemo - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

Lunch seminar with Matteo Pignocchi

10 MAY 2024

The Implementation of Income Schemes in the Fight against Poverty between Experiments and New Possibilities

Aula Ardigò - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

SDE Lectures (2023/2024) Sixth Meeting

08 MAY 2024

Gender History of Social Policies in Switzerland

Aula Pezemo - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

Lunch seminar with Carola Togni

19 APRIL 2024

Making a Family? Parenting between Choices and Policies

Aula Ardigò - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

SDE Lectures (2023/2024) Fifth Meeting

10 APRIL 2024

Declining Fertility as a Lens: Considerations and Questions at the Intersection of Biographical Trajectories and Socio-economic Structures

Aula Pezemo - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

Lunch seminar with Natalia Tosoni

27 MARCH 2024

The Minimum Income in Action. An Analysis of the Emilia-Romagna

Aula Seminari, Torretta - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

From PRIN research CoPInG - Contrasting Poverty through Inclusive Governance. A study on the local implementation of the national minimum income scheme in Northern Italy

20 MARCH 2024

Build(h)ers. Complex Gender Relations in the Italian Construction Industry

Aula Pezemo - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

Lunch seminar with Eleonora De Stefanis

15 MARCH 2024

Interconnections between Financial and Sustainability Accounting in Light of the CSR Directive 2022.

Aula Alberti - Via Q. Sella, 13, Rimini, Italy

The seminar will be held by Prof. Alessandro Lai (University of Verona) and will take place as part of the teaching "Environmental Auditing and Corporate Social Responsibility"

12 MARCH 2024

The Third Sector's Role in Promoting Social Rights

Aula Ardigò - Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy

SDE Lectures (2023/2024) Fourth Meeting

11 MARCH 2024

What Lies Beneath: the Exploitation of Women at Work

Aula Ruffilli- Strada Maggiore, 45, Bologna, Italy